According to the EIM Report 2018, based on data received from 1 249 centres located in 34 European countries, 150 473 children were born through 858 159 ART procedures. In Poland (based on data provided by 45 facilities reporting IVF procedures performed and 42 reporting IUI results), a total of 32,218 ART procedures were performed, including 16,484 IVF/ICSI procedures. This was a result 15% higher than in 2017.
In 2018, a total of 9,500 clinical pregnancies were achieved in Poland as a result of assisted reproductive technology support, the fate of 6,420 children born is known (representing 1.6% of all children born).
The declared percentage of clinical pregnancies per each started cycle of treatment in the course of IVF procedures (per transfer) was 38.1% for Poland. For comparison, the average rate in Europe was 42.1%. For intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (per transfer), Poland achieved 37.6% vs. the European standard of 41.0%.
Every confirmed clinical pregnancy is a great joy for us. We are among more than 20 TFP clinics, which proves that our IVF laboratory operates in an exemplary manner, in league with facilities from Great Britain, Poland or the Netherlands.
What are the IVF treatment success rates at our centre?
Thanks to infertility programs based on recognized medical standards available in our clinic, we have achieved clinical pregnancies in thousands of cases. We have helped many more patients (after consultation and implementation of conservative treatment) to get pregnant naturally. We consider the treatment effective when the child is born. Let's fight together for this miracle!
Understand family growth options
in a consult with TFP experts in Szczecin.