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Medical director

Dr. Subrata Gangooly

Specialist in: Fertility, Benign gynaecology, Menstrual dysfunction, Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery, Endometriosis and fibroid surgery, Fertility-preserving surgery

Dr Subrata Gangooly Medical Director

Key roles, expertise, and achievements

Mr Gangooly graduated from Medical School in 1995, obtained his MRCOG in 2002, followed by a Master’s Degree in Medical education. He was involved in the inception of Simply Fertility Clinic and has remained The Medical Director for these last 10 years and the clinic remains an integral part of his life.

His fertility experience was acquired from St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London and continues with his current post as Lead for Fertility and Benign Gynaecology at Broomfield Hospital , MID & South Essex NHS Trust since 2012. He has worked with local ICB in creating NHS referral pathways. He specialises in treatment of women with common general gynaecological conditions and menstrual dysfunction.

He also specialises in laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery to aid and assist fertility outcomes. This involves endometriosis and fibroid surgery, providing fertility preservative surgery.

He remains passionate in providing tailored individualised care and he looks after a wide spectrum of patients and encompasses heterosexual couples, those who are single, in same sex relationships and those who choose to preserve fertility on their gender reaffirmation journey.

He remains actively involved in teaching and training resident doctors choosing a future career as fertility consultants as part of his NHS College Tutor Role and is involved at Cambridge deanery as a Training Programme Director.

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