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Current information on COVID-19

The most important points:

The entry rule of vaccinated, recovered or negative result of a PCR test applies. Please bring your proof to every appointment.

Only the person to be treated should be in the practice.

Illustration of scientists

In case of symptoms (e.g. fever, severe cough), we ask you to refrain from visiting our clinics and practices and to contact us by telephone for an online or phone consultation. We ask for your understanding that we do not provide treatment patients with COVID-19 symptoms, as we would otherwise also put other patients and our staff at risk.

Our actions in our TFP fertility clinics are guided by the principle that we care for our patients and staff. This consistent value helps us in the great challenge of having to respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Because we care about the well-being of our patients and staff and want to ensure their health at all times, we adhere to the constantly updated guidelines of the ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) and those of the federal government.

Our Covid safety measures include:

  • Video consultations – We have introduced virtual consultations, counselling and nurse consents to reduce footfall in the clinic during the Covid-19 pandemic. Face to face consultations can be undertaken if necessary.

  • Reception – You will be met at reception by one of our staff, with a SMILE (no handshakes!). They will ask you about any symptoms, request that you use the gel to clean your hands then take your temperature.

  • Cleaning – A rigorous cleaning programme remains in place between appointments, as well as throughout the day in the clinic. Inside the clinic, the cleaning programme pays particular attention to handrails, door handles, toilets and areas with a high touchpoint.

  • Hand sanitiser stations – These are available throughout the clinic.

  • Partners – Partners are permitted to attend for the following appointments: egg collection, embryo transfer and pregnancy scans.

What are the impacts of Covid in pregnancy?

  • Nearly one in five Covid-19 patients who are most critically ill are pregnant women who have not been vaccinated

  • Of those pregnant women in hospital with symptomatic Covid-19, 98% are unvaccinated

  • No fully vaccinated pregnant women were admitted to intensive care with Covid-19 in England between February and the end of September 2021

  • Around one in five women who are admitted to hospital with the virus need to be delivered preterm to help them recover

  • One in five babies delivered early due to Covid need care in the neonatal unit

  • Since April 2021, around 84,000 pregnant women have received two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine

Source: Department of Health and Social Care

Team of doctors, stethoscope and heart, woman looking up

We strive to keep you up to date about the latest developments. For this purpose, we have compiled the questions we are asked most frequently and hope to be able to answer your question here as well. 

#stayhealthy #togetherwearestronger

Your questions about COVID-19

National lockdown and fertility treatment

In light of the national lockdown introduced in England and Scotland, we want to reassure both current and new patients that all our clinics remain open and fully operational, and treatments are continuing as usual with our existing Covid-19 safety measures remaining. We would also like to reassure patients that they can leave home to attend a medical appointment.

Is it safe to take the COVID-19 vaccine if I am currently or planning to have fertility treatment?

The HFEA has recently updated its advice, now stating that women who are trying to conceive do not need to delay pregnancy or fertility treatment after vaccination. It also advises that, if pregnant, women should discuss with their doctor the risks and benefits of vaccination, balancing Covid-19 infection rates and any underlying health conditions with the lack of safety data of Covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy.

How will my treatment differ?

Most patients will find that their treatment cycle will be the same, just with the above-mentioned safety measures in place. We may discuss altering your treatment to maximise your safety if you have an underlying medical condition.

If I catch COVID-19, will I have to cancel my treatment?

For the safety of you, your embryos, and those around you, we would need to pause your treatment until you are well again if you test positive for Covid-19. HFEA guidance states that individuals should wait 28 days after recovering from Covid-19 before resuming or starting treatment.

Can I still have an in-person consultation?

Clinics are continuing to undertake consent, medical and counselling consultations for new and current patients via Skype or telephone.

If you are an existing patient, please do contact us via the Patient Portal to discuss any concerns you have. If you are looking to start treatment, then please contact your nearest clinic.

What effect does the coronavirus have on my unborn child?

As the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is a novel virus, the empirical evidence on this is still in its early stages. So far, the evidence suggests that the virus does not pose a risk to your unborn child. Furthermore, in the 20 pregnancies so far in which the expectant mothers were infected with the virus, no transmission of the virus to the baby has been identified. Moreover, no abnormalities were found in the mothers and their babies. Further information from the German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics e.V. (DGGG) and the Professional Association of Gynaecologists (BVF) can be found united in a publication of the German Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (GBCOG). You can find more on the DGGG page.

What can I do now to prepare for treatment?

Right now, it is important to strengthen our immune system to prepare our body and mind for the current situation and for treatment after this crisis. A healthy and balanced diet is the best basic prerequisite for a strong immune system. This is because a good supply of nutrients gives the body many opportunities to successfully fight off pathogens. In addition, sufficient sleep and water intake are of great importance. If you drink at least two litres of water or unsweetened tea every day, you will strengthen your body's defences immensely. Also, wash your hands regularly and make sure to keep a body distance of 1.5 to 2 metres from your fellow human beings. Exercise in the fresh air is also highly recommended.

More information

If you are in self-isolation or develop a persistent new cough or a fever, please do not come to the clinic. Contact NHS 111 if you are unsure. More guidance is available here

HFEA patient information is available here

UK Government advice is available here

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists pregnancy advice is available here

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