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Egg donation

Become an Egg Donor

If you're interested in becoming an egg donor, please fill out our egg donor application form below. You can also learn more about becoming an egg donor by visiting our egg donation page.

Can I donate my eggs?

We accept donors from 21 and up to 36th birthday.

You should be:

  • BMI between 18 to 35 - calculate your BMI

  • Non-smoker for 6 months, including vapes

  • No serious illnesses or infections

  • Able to share your full medical history and that of your immediate relatives

You need to meet certain criteria to make sure it’s safe for you and that your eggs are healthy.

In some circumstances, we can accept eggs from an older person. For example, if the donation is for someone you know.

Do you still have questions?

Egg Donor Application

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